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What is a cystogram?
A cystogram is a scan of the bladder and ureters. The ureters lead from the kidneys to the bladder.

Why do I need a cystogram?
You may need a cystogram if you are having pain in your back or abdomen.

How do I prepare for my cystogram?
A catheter will be inserted into your bladder before coming to the Nuclear Medicine Department.

What can I expect during the test?
Your bladder will be filled with saline until it is completely full. At this time, the catheter will be removed and a picture will be taken while the bladder is emptying. Another picture will be taken after the bladder has emptied.

What do I do after my cystogram?
There are no special instructions.

© Mid South Imaging

7600 Wolf River Blvd., #200
Germantown, TN 38138
Phone : 901.747.1000
Fax : 901.747.1001

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